To Make a Difference you must be the difference.

Association with the Right People at the right time at the right place equals success. We can make a decision to be around the right people and the right place and in God's timing great things happen. It is time to rise up and take our communities back by leading well and getting involved in other people's lives in a positive way, WELCOME TO ONE OBJECTIVE!

Our History: In late 2020, thirteen, (13), men came together with lofty ambitions to change the dynamics in young people's lives and to have a positive impact on young students who were at risk.

The men wanted to create bridges and pathways that would help these youth see potentional they had never envisioned.

The ultimate goal was to create an organization that would survive generations and have impact beyond their vision. In early 2021. the first step become reality as One Objective came to life.

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